At Wolmer’s Prep, we believe that the involvement of parents is critical for their children’s development and success. Parent participation also enhances the whole school community. Research has shown that students whose parents are totally involved in their schooling are usually more successful than those without this support.

We want to make sure you have all the information you need to interact with the school, and that you’ve provided us with all the information and input we need to take care of your child. 

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or comments.

About the Parent-Teachers’ Association (PTA)

We’re blessed at Wolmer’s Prep to have a dedicated group of parents who integrate themselves into the life of the school. The PTA offers the opportunity for parents to work closely with the faculty to strengthen the environment of the school. The group also develops programmes and runs fundraisers to aid the school.

How to Help Your Child Succeed in School

  • Make sure your child is at school every day possible. Missed work is generally more of a loss than made-up work is a gain. There is no substitute for attendance.
  • Designate a time and place for your child to do homework. If he does not have homework, have him use the time to read. Routine is the essence of a child’s life.
  • Keep in touch with teachers, but don’t overdo it. Most teachers appreciate parents caring enough to keep in touch a few times a term but do not appreciate parents expecting contact on a regular basis.
  • Teach your child character – it will improve social and academic skills more than anything else. Some things are simply wrong, and the world your child will grow up in will punish crimes, so give your child a head start.
  • Make time every day to talk with your child about the day’s activities. Let them know you care, and really listen to what they have to say.