Salmon Tops Wolmer’s Class In CAPE Unit 2

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Having written a number of articles highlighting the achievement of other high school students across the island, the spotlight is now on outgoing deputy head boy of Wolmer’s Boys’ School, David Salmon, who ranked first at the Kingston-based school in every subject he sat in the recent Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE).

Salmon attained grade one in sociology, management of business, Caribbean studies, art and economics and a grade two in literatures in English.

He told The Gleaner that his journey at Jamaica’s oldest high school was not always easy. Early on, he was tested with significant challenges, including his parents’ divorce and the death of his grandfather, which would ultimately prove his grit.

Accepted to The University of the West Indies to read for a degree in law, Salmon has described his experience at Wolmer’s as “exceptional”.

“It was a very challenging one, I must say. Overall, it was an enjoyable experience because I got the opportunity to interact with hundreds of people islandwide, as well as to help student leaders and play my part in community development,” said Salmon, a regular contributor to The Gleaner.


Eventually being appointed deputy head boy in upper sixth form, Salmon was integral to the resurrection of the Jamaica Prefects’ Association, which he said had been dormant for the past 10 years.

“So our group of colleagues and myself, we came into lower six and said we want to relaunch this association. So we did our research and we got the original founders and we had them send over their documents, and then we reformed it, edited it and we relaunched it,” he said.

Pointing out that his ultimate career goal is to become an international development consultant, Salmon is encouraging others to open their minds to the possibilities.

“Exposure is very, very important, especially when you’re thinking of opportunities out there. The thing is, there are a lot of opportunities for youth out there, but it’s just that they don’t necessarily know about them. So my advice to other persons is to put themselves in a position to know about the opportunities that are available,” he shared.

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