Obelisk Dedication
At Every Wolmerian, past and present, made it their point of duty to attend. The work, one of the finest in the West Indies, was designed and carried through by an old Wolmerian, Mr. Vernon Streadwick. The Memorial, erected by The Wolmer’s Old Boy’s Association to the Old Boys of the school who died in The Great War. Today we recognize 100 years! November 11, 1918- November 11, 2018. #CelebratingArmisticeDay#RemembranceSunday#100years#TraditionOfExcellence#SustainingTheLegacy#AgeQuodAgis
the stroke of 5pm; His Excellency Sir Leslie & Lady Probyn arrived on the grounds and received by Mr. R.M. Murray, The Headmaster of the school. The attendance numbered several hundreds including Ms. K. Howson, The Headmistress and Mr. Owen Samuel, President of The Old Boys Association.