The Wolmer's Trust

Welcome to the Wolmer’s Trust Website

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Home of The Age Quod Agis Lifestyle!

Wolmer’s Schools, located in Kingston, Jamaica consists of Wolmer’s Pre-School, Wolmer’s Preparatory School and two high schools: Wolmer’s Trust High School For Girls and Wolmer’s Trust High School for Boys.

The start of a new year is a good time to re-new our pledge to support our Schools and to re- launch our Website. It is even more appropriate for this particular new year, precisely because this is the year in which we give God thanks for 290 years of service to the youth of Jamaica.

From our Preparatory School to our two High Schools, Wolmer’s continues to teach and epitomise excellence. When much around us has descended to and celebrates mediocrity, we
remain an unyielding beacon, calling our youth to be the best that resides within them. We sing and we believe “our standards must not fall”.

Mr. Milton Samuda – Chairman Wolmer’s Trust
Milton Samuda – Chairman
So we continue to rise to the challenge to prepare our youth for an increasingly competitive world, often unforgiving of failure. To do so, we must not only equip them with the power of critical thinking and the tools of academic achievement, but also the indispensable fortitude of true character based on right values and attitudes.

The ‘Wolmer’s Way’, honed through multi-decades of sacrificial experience, has proven itself. Our sustained success is uniformly acknowledged and celebrated by our community, and is for us a source of confidence, without arrogance; of energy, eschewing complacency; of humility, not boastfulness; and of resultant
confidence tempered by humility.

As we look to the future, we will do what we have always done. We will re-invent ourselves without losing, ourselves, remaining relevant and ahead of the curve while remaining true to our core values, bed rocked in integrity.

So, my fellow Wolmerians, as we continue to positively impact thousands of young lives, I urge you to hold fast to our timeless, clarion call: